smartphone-based Emergency Response

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P.O. Box 357666
Gainesville, FL 32635


Mobile PERS with EmCall

In an emergency, you don’t have time to think about who – or how – to call. That’s why we designed emCall with two simple buttons – one for Medical Help and one for Police Help. Three quick taps using a smartphone-based emergency response system on the appropriate button will instantly initiate a process that can literally save your life.

View a 2-minute video to learn more

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EmCall services are $19.95/month

emcall interface

Who uses GPS Alert Services?

)In the past, when people thought of alert devices, they only thought of medical fall detection. Today’s Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) and mobile PERS (mPERS) systems are still an effective way to detect and report falls, but they’re also a good options to improve personal safety and security for a variety of real life situations, including:

  • Independent seniors, especially those with special care needs
  • Chronic care management
  • Alzheimer patients
  • Lone workers (hotel employees, realtors, restaurants, convenience stores, taxi, Uber and Lyft drivers )
  • Students on college campuses

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Designed to get you the help you need – as quickly as possible.

Your three taps instantly send information to our professional, highly trained emergency operators. This information includes your name and your location, saving precious time. (According to the FCC, saving just one minute in emergencies would save up to 10,000 lives per year.) You will never be put on hold or placed in a voice tree. And because the operator already knows if you need medical or police help, they can immediately initiate the proper response protocol.

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A Unique Approach to Medical Emergencies

When you triple-tap the Medical Help button, of course, you will be connected to a professional operator. But something else very important will happen: all the medical information that you have entered into our secure servers is transmitted back to your phone and locked on the home screen, ready for first responders to review – even if you’re unable to speak. This patented Medical Information Transfer Screen – medical conditions, prescriptions, pacemaker, etc. – can dramatically reduce the time it takes first responders to diagnose the problem and to begin treating it effectively. And that’s what you really want when you call for help: effective response. That’s what makes emCall different.

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